Thursday, January 13, 2011

Complete loyalty and fidelity to the United States of America

Complete loyalty and fidelity to the United States of America

The prosecutor argued that petitioner owed this country his complete loyalty and fidelity, but that he had betrayed the American people.

Relationships may be accompanied by obligations of good faith and fair dealing, even in arms-length transactions. These and similar duties are quite unlike, however, the duty of loyalty and fidelity to purpose required of public officials. For example, "[e]mployee loyalty is not an end in it self, it is a means to obtain and preserve pecuniary benefits for the employer. An employee's undisclosed conflict of interest does not by itself necessarily pose the threat of economic harm to the employer."

US law states clearly that to obtain US citizenship one must support the Constitution of the United States; renounce all loyalty and fidelity to any state.

In order to implicate the policymaking employee exception, must take a form from which a failure of loyalty and fidelity can reasonably be inferred as a strong probability

The Flag

RED -- Courage, Valor and Strength

WHITE -- Purity, Light and Peace

BLUE -- Truth, Loyalty and Fidelity

The STRIPES signify Unity of Purpose as exemplified by the Thirteen Original States

The STARS represent our Fifty States Dedicated to Freedom and Democracy.

Defendant alleges that it is entitled to summary judgment on its counterclaim because plaintiffs violated their obligations of loyalty and fidelity.

Loyalty and Fidelity Against Treason and Copperheadism.

Truth, Justice, and the American Way

Intellectual activism in defense of the American way of life.

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